I say it all the time, but I’ll say it again – OVERHIRE AND TRAIN WELL!

The biggest challenge in the autism services industry is recruiting and retaining employees. This was a challenge pre COVID but is 100x worse now. I am asked every day for the secret sauce and if there is one, I’m happy to share it:

  • Ensure your client onboarding workflows are tight. From the initial call from the family to the assessment, recruiting, training, and direct services, there should be a max of 6 weeks. If you develop streamlined workflows, this is achievable.
  • Over hire. If you have 4 on the waitlist and need the same number of BTs, hire 8. The fall-out rate is at an all-time high. Prepare for the fall-out whether they self-select during training or fail out, be prepared. The optics if they should quit or be fired, are much worse if they have already developed a relationship with families and other team members.
  • Training is key. Too many agencies rely on little to no formal training for their new hires. There are too few RBTs for everyone to assume that they will hire a registered tech. You need to be willing and able to HIRE GREEN. Green folks aren’t coming to you with issues you need to fix from their experience working at prior agencies. They are green and ready for you to train them to do it RIGHT and your way.
  • Provide feedback regularly. Formal reviews are great, but we are in the field of ABA and everyone should be provided regular feedback – positive and constructive. For the most part, everyone wants to do the best they can, but they only know what they know and your responsibility is to ensure they know what you want them to know.

Reach out today for a free consultation on how to develop and best communicate your vision, mission and values to your team!

Thinking Outside The Box: Creative Ways to Recruit and Retain

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Low-Cost High Value of an Organizational Assessment Webinar

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Outsourced vs. In-House Billing Document

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Acquisition Preparation Checklist

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Start Up Self Evaluation

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