ABA Insurance Billing Solutions

Getting paid timely and fully is one of the most important aspects of ensuring a successful ABA or special needs business. 

As a start-up, your time is best spent developing relationships and providing high quality clinical services – not learning how to generate clean claims, post payments and all of the other necessary but tedious tasks required to successfully bill.

Whether a startup or established company, for an estimated 5% of your paid receivables, outsourcing your billing to a company like ABA Building Blocks where you can trust a team of experts to handle your revenue cycle management needs in a smart business decision.

insurance billing solutions

ABA Building Blocks offers full-service Revenue Cycle Management including:

  • Prebilling audits, insurance claim submissions, posting payments, appeals and reporting Although others charge a minimum per month fee, ABB does not.
  • But that is the minimum your virtual billing department should offer.

ABA Building Blocks stands apart because

  • Everyone who works for ABB is experienced in ABA or special needs. ABB and its nuances are very different from standard medical billing and for that reason, we only hire billers and credentialing specialists who have worked in the ABB or special needs industry.
  • We only get paid when you get paid*. And we mean it! We have skin in your game! With the exception of patient responsibility, we only get paid what your insurance payers pay you after you get paid.
  • Mandatory monthly meeting to review your AR so you ALWAYS know where your money is. Time and again we have unfortunately had clients come to ABB with no knowledge of where their money is or how much they are owed in AR. Our mission is to provide you with a team of experienced ABA billing professionals supporting you and your business to ensure you are paid fully and timely.
Health Insurance Claim Form

Work with ABA Building Blocks today:

As the One Stop Shop we provide comprehensive Revenue Cycle Management services including Eligibility and Benefits Checks, Authorizations, Progress Report Review, Submission and Training and More!

And if you want to hire your own team or transition services once you are established, we are here to hire and train to ensure your team is as great as ours!

Work with our team today to learn more about our Insurance Billing Solutions: contact@ababuildingblocks.com

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Outsourced vs. In-House Billing Document

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Acquisition Preparation Checklist

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