10 Tips to Recruit & Retain Talent: Part 2

Last blog post, we provided you with the first 5 of our top 10 tips for recruiting and retaining talent. This month we provide you with another 5. We left off with implementing an amazing, comprehensive, face-to-face training program and focus now on what happens post training.

  1. Ongoing support. Common feedback from those who work in homes – “lonely, on an island by myself, no support, don’t really have anyone to talk to…” For those of you who provide clinic-based services, it is easier but not necessarily a non-issue. Covid has had impact on ABA practices in many areas but with so many BCBAs providing telehealth services, technicians are now even more isolated. Even in the best of days, techs would say that they only received feedback on what they were doing wrong and didn’t get many kudos. This isn’t just a tech issue, BCBAs often feel that in an industry based on reinforcement their employer doesn’t provide much in the way of pats on the back. Establish mentor groups where senior techs check in weekly with new techs, new BCBAs with seasoned BCBAs. Ensure there are opportunities for techs and BCBAs to reach out to peers and those they report to in a comfortable atmosphere to ask for assistance and get feedback in a supportive environment.
  2. Ongoing development. For those that are engaged and considering this as a career path, it is critical that they feel they are continuing to learn and grow their skills – this includes BCBAs! Consider having your BCBAs rotate and monthly, or minimally quarterly, develop and provide a training for your techs on a topic of interest to them. Become a CEU provider so your BCBAs can get CEUs when attending these trainings. Consider an annual scholarship program where those that are wanting to take the BCBA coursework can apply and get financial assistance through a stipend. As our COO says “grow BCBAs in your backyard.”
  3. Competency reviews. Start-ups and established companies get busy and tend to forget the importance of assessing their staff’s growth and development. This isn’t just a clinical issue but extends to admin and executive staff as well. Establish competency reviews and conduct them at 90 days after hire and minimally annually thereafter. This provides your employees in all roles, and at all levels, with an understanding of what they are doing well and where they need to develop their skills. This also allows them an opportunity to ask for support. The best competency reviews include self-reporting and that of their manager. This enables the manager and the direct report to see where they are aligned and disconnected so they can focus on next steps.
  4. Clear policies and procedures. Many companies grow quickly and as such, don’t have time to establish clear policies and procedures – PTO, requests for time off, schedule changes, sick, etc. All roles want and need a clear understanding of what is expected of them and how to meet these expectations. Ensure your handbook is clear, updated annually, and compliant with state and federal laws. Set a time to go over any new policies and procedures so everyone who needs to know, knows what to do, when and how – this includes clinical, admin and executives.
  5. Culture – although last, it could easily and maybe should be #1. Culture is a huge key to success. Many companies don’t think very much, if at all, about company culture and that is a mistake. The company culture is a direct reflection (or should be) of your vision, mission, and values. For ABA Building Blocks, our mission is to be the premiere business services company providing exceptional services and customer service to those who we are privileged to work with. Have you written out your vision, mission, and values and do your employees know what they are? If not, it is time to pull the executive team together to brainstorm, get it in writing, disseminate it and live it each day.

If you’re struggling with retaining your staff or need assistance implementing these tips, we can help!

Thinking Outside The Box: Creative Ways to Recruit and Retain

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