Financial Planning

Financial Planning Services

ABA and special needs companies, like any other company, need to ensure that they are profitable. Profit has unfortunately become a dirty word in our industry, but the reality is that you can’t hire the best talent, afford to train and retain employees and make a living yourself if you are in the RED.

We specialize in...

Budget Plan

Start-ups who want to ensure financial stability.

Check out our Financial Planning Workbook for ABA providers.

Companies who are struggling scaled

Companies who are struggling.

We can help you turn it around! Whether you are 1K or 50K a month or more in the red, we can assist you. Our expertise is in analyzing your practice as a whole. We analyze it through the lens of what profitable ABA practices are doing and work with you to quickly and strategically get you back in the black.

prepare for an acquisition scaled

Companies looking to prepare for an acquisition.

Click here for our Acquisition Tip Sheet to help you prepare and ensure your valuation is the best it can be.

acquiring ABA practices scaled

Companies interested in acquiring ABA practices.

We coin ourselves the E-Harmony of ABA as our goal is to align likeminded buyers and sellers to ensure the outcomes are great for the seller, buyer, clients and employees.

Contact our team today for financial planning consulting nationwide:
Thinking Outside The Box: Creative Ways to Recruit and Retain

Complete the Form to watch the Thinking Outside The Box: Creative Ways to Recruit and Retain Webinar

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Low-Cost High Value of an Organizational Assessment Webinar

Complete the Form to watch the Low-Cost High Value of an Organizational Assessment Webinar

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Outsourced vs. In-House Billing Document

Download our Outsourced vs. In-House Billing Document

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Acquisition Preparation Checklist

Download our Acquisition Preparation Checklist

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Start Up Self Evaluation

Download our Start-Up Self Evaluation Document

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