Registered Behavior Therapist or RBT Training

You have many valuable team members but one of the most critical roles in any ABA practice is that of the Behavior Therapist. This is the person in homes, schools or clinics working with your clients more than any other employee.

Many companies undervalue the importance of properly training their Behavior Therapists.

ABA Building Blocks has spent years developing a curriculum that meets the BACB RBT requirements. This training curriculum can be implemented by your BCBAs or, ABA Building Blocks can conduct the training for you. This comprehensive training includes:

  • Lecture
  • Role playing
  • Quizzes
  • Videos

This is a 40-hour course that can be conducted live or live via zoom.

From Concept to Reality: Starting Your ABA Therapy Business
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More and more often, payers are requiring that behavior therapists be credentialed as Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT) before providing services to your clients. Even if the payer does not require it, parents often expect that the therapist is an RBT. And, as your payer contracts state, it is required that your therapists be “qualified” which means well trained to perform ABA therapy.

Over the past several years there has been an unfortunate shift from live training to relying on 40-hour video courses. The result has not been positive for the client’s, families or the staff.

The therapist role is incredibly challenging and no amount of video watching adequately prepares someone to walk into a home or school or center and provide quality services.

ABA Building Blocks developed an RBT training course that you can be proud of. Whether you implement the training or trust one of our skilled BCBAs to train your new hires our goal is to ensure that all receiving ABA services are receiving their therapy from highly trained therapists.

Get your team certified and trained as Registered Behavioral Therapists. Email us today:

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Acquisition Preparation Checklist

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