Unrealistic Growth Expectations and the Impact on ABA

Most of you reading this have likely seen the press and social media posts regarding several relatively new but some very well-known ABA companies laying off large numbers of staff and closing down locations in various US geographies. It’s disheartening but I’ve lived my life believing that in everything, positive and negative, there is a lesson to be learned. Sadly, the lesson here is not profound and for many of you reading this may be more of a “Yup, I knew this would happen.”

Unfortunately, those that suffer are the families who are now scrambling to find service providers, employees who are left without jobs (many who will likely not return to the precarious work world of ABA) and the ABA brand. ABA has had enough heat cast on it over the last couple of years and to be at the end of another arrow of negativity is not what anyone wants especially those, like you and me, who believe heart and soul in what we do and the benefits of ABA for those who we are privileged to serve.

Why has this happened? LACK OF A STRATEGIC GROWTH PLAN. At the end of the day, this is why the companies we are all reading about have failed. Those newer to ABA are largely non BCBA owners who jumped on board believing that ABA was the king of the hill in healthcare and that with a reasonable amount of start-up capital (more than a typical BCBA would have at their disposal) they could grow, grow, grow; lay their heads on their pillows at night feeling great that they were servicing children with autism while making hefty profits. But, for many of you reading this, you know first-hand, it is not that easy to run and grow an ABA business– even with sizable financial backing. For the companies that have been industry leaders, unrealistic growth/profit expectations have been the cause of their downsizing as well.

We all want to feel good about the work we do and make a good living but, the mad rush to establish ABA practices and in some instances the goal of having a nationwide footprint in a year is not only unrealistic but business stupid. What service company do you know that grew from nothing to a nationwide brand in 12-24 months? None. Even Jeff Bezos who founded Amazon ran in a deficit and finally turned a profit in 2003, which was nine years after being founded and seven years after going public.

Lessons –
BCBA or non BCBA owner, establish your business in your backyard – literally. Don’t start a company in Florida if you are in Oregon. Boots on the ground. You need to be present and take the first 6 months to a year to hone your clinical and operational infrastructure. Then and only then, do you consider expanding to other states. Understand the nuances of the industry. Spend 10 hours with me and my team and really understand the workflows and processes and procedures and really understand what you need to know to start and run and grow a business in ABA that you can be clinically proud of and also make a profit.

We are here to help and welcome the opportunity to meet with you and discuss your needs and goals and our services. Reach out today and schedule a complimentary consultation.

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