Happy Almost New Year!

Another year is almost at a close and I hope 2023 has been a great year for you, your family, and your team. Halloween has passed and we’re just shy of Thanksgiving; and although the holidays are a frenetic time for many, it is also an important time to reflect and set the stage for a successful 2024.

Now is the time to conduct at SWOT analysis. In collaboration with your senior management team, take the time to review the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of your business. This should ideally be conducted annually, but if you haven’t ever conducted a SWOT, now is the time! A SWOT analysis can be a tremendously beneficial activity but takes some dedicated time to construct it in such a way that it is a successful endeavor. From developing an agenda to establishing a safe space for your management team to feel comfortable candidly sharing their thoughts, to a well-developed and thought-out execution plan for your agreed upon 2024 initiatives, there is a significant amount of time and commitment to get the most out of this precious time away from the office and strategizing with your management team. Need Help – Contact us to discuss how to ensure you get the most out of conducting a SWOT analysis.

As you prepare for 2024, there are a number of metrics to review and strategies to roll out in anticipation of the year ahead.

With respect to metrics, I recently had the pleasure of conducting a webinar on Adapting Business Metrics in the Ever-Changing ABA Landscape for CalABA’s special interest group Business in Behavior Analysis (BIBA). During the webinar, we highlighted several Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that every ABA agency, large or small, should be analyzing on a regular basis.

When discussing metrics with clients, whether they are start-ups or established businesses’, I make an analogy to a pyramid. The top of the pyramid are the organizational metrics, and this is purposefully the narrowest part of the pyramid as the org wide metrics are driven by the KPIs of the departments and employees who comprise the majority of the pyramid.

Everything stems from the top and this is no exception. If your goal is to grow your revenue by 20% in 2024, who is going to make that an achievable goal? Everyone on your team – everyone contributes to this success.

Your responsibility is to translate your 2024 organizational goals into measurable KPIs and goals for all or your employees so you can together celebrate 2024’s successes.

Need assistance in developing your goals, translating them into KPIs for your employees or assessing your company’s performance? We’re here to help.

Thinking Outside The Box: Creative Ways to Recruit and Retain

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Low-Cost High Value of an Organizational Assessment Webinar

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Outsourced vs. In-House Billing Document

Download our Outsourced vs. In-House Billing Document

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Acquisition Preparation Checklist

Download our Acquisition Preparation Checklist

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Start Up Self Evaluation

Download our Start-Up Self Evaluation Document

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